Books you should read

Books you should read

A lot of people ask about me what books they should read. For that reason, I have made a list of the top books.

Books About Seducing Women

Models by Mark Manson

This book, simply put, is the bible. It is widely recognized as the best book on seduction. I like this book because it moves away from the traditional paradigm of teaching you "tips and tricks" and instead focuses on developing an inner confidence and vulnerability. If you're going to buy a book, buy this one.

The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire by David Deida

This is a very deep book that explores what it means to be masculine and what women find attractive about men. It's kind of ethereal and philosophical but its a great read and I highly recommend it. This is the type of foundational book you should always keep around and go back to again and again to refresh your knowledge.

No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert A. Glover

This book's title is self-explanatory. This is an important meditation on "nice guys" who end up getting trampled on by others. I highly recommend it.

The Game by Neil Strauss

This is a very popular book in the PUA crowd. In fact, it may be the biggest. But it's not a really a how-to manual; it's more about Neil's personal journey in the world and some of the bad shit he saw. I highly recommend it to get some perspective on this whole thing. He released another book called the Rules of the Game in 2009, which actually gives some practical day-to-day advice:

The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed by Erik Van Markovik (aka Mystery)

This book is a little outdated but it was the most important book in the scene for a long time. It is a little heavy on tips and tricks, but it is still worth a read.

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex by John Gray

This may seem like an unexpected addition, but I read this book a long time ago and I thought it had some very interesting insights into relationships.

The Five Triggers for Sexual Attraction [GUEST POST BY AVERY HAYDEN]

The Five Triggers for Sexual Attraction [GUEST POST BY AVERY HAYDEN]

How to have a conversation with a woman

How to have a conversation with a woman